IIT Point Scholarship Admission Test
Our Admission Process
IIT POINT Science Aptitude Test for 10th Std students only: We conduct IIT POINT Science Aptitude Test (IPSAT) in schools of (State, CBSE, ICSE boards) as well as at our centre at Nagpur for X std students.
The objective of IPSAT Exam is to:
- Test student’s aptitude in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology.
- To identify the proficiency of the student.
- Access the cognitive inclination and level of understanding in the subjects.
- Prepare them for the competitive exams which are in the form of Multiple Choice Questions.
We follow a stringent process for selection before the student is enrolled at IIT POINT, whereby we conduct two type of exams
- Talent Hunt Exam
- IIT Point Science Aptitude Test (IPSAT)
After exams each student is evaluated on the basis of their scores and are invited to our centre where we:
- Disclose the student’s result and hand over their certificates.
- Counsel both parents and the students.
- Benefits and importance of choosing science stream as a career.
- Career guidance according to student’s aspiration for becoming Engineer/Doctor.
- Scholarships are given in line with their performance and are enrolled accordingly for different JEE/ NEET courses.

Are You Ready For The Scholarship Opportunity ?
IPSAT Benefits
- Upto 100% Scholarship In Two Year Program Tuition Fees.
- Free Counseling For Both Parent And Student.
- Give Career Guidance According To Their Results (Aptitude)
- Explain The Benefits And Importance Of Choosing Engineering/ Medical.
- A Career For Top Rankers Gift Prizes Like Laptop, Tablets, Mobiles, Smart Watches Etc, Score Booster Program For 10th Board Exam.
- Additional 7% Scholarship Will Be Given On Pre Registration NEET courses.

Selection Test (IPSAT)
IPSAT IT POINT Scholarship cum admission test allows students to examine their aptitude for Engineering & Medical Students as a career choice, their individual care & performance evaluation, help them get a better sense of where their inclination lies thereby helping them make the right decision on their career path ahead.
The Objective Of IPSAT
- Test student’s aptitude in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology & General Ability.
- To identify the proficiency of the student.
- Access the cognitive inclination and level of understanding in the subjects.
- Familiarize them to the concept of competitive exams which are in the form of Multiple Choice Questions. courses.